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"It's all about the conversation"
How does BDD work?
BDD and the Three Amigos
Key Lessons
Introduction to Cucumber
Introducing the Caffeinate-Me Application
Setting up your project part 1 - Cloning the template project
Setting up your project part 2 - Customising your project
How Cucumber Step Definitions Work
Implementing your first scenario
Exercise 1: Implementing a Cucumber Scenarios
Watch This First
Understanding the Cucumber/Serenity BDD Project Structure
Using Maven With Cucumber/Serenity BDD
Using Gradle with Cucumber/Serenity BDD
The Basics Of Step Definition Methods
Passing Parameters To Step Definitions
Cucumber Expressions
Exercise 2: Using SImple Parameter Types
Background Sections
Exercise 3: Adding a Background Step
Rules And Examples
Exercise 4: Rules and Examples
Defining Custom Cucumber Expressions
Exercise 5: Custom Cucumber Expressions
Using Tabular Data in Gherkin
Step Definitions For Tabular Data
Exercise: Step Definitions for Tabular Data
Using Custom Parameter Types For Tabular Data
Exercise: Parameter Types For Data Tables
Working With Scenario Outlines
Scenario Outline and Living Documentation
Setting up test data
Scenario Variations with Regular Expressions
Scenario Variations with Cucumber Expressions
Handling more complex tables
Handing more complex tables (part 2)
Handling more complex tables (part 3)
What is living documentation?
Organising Feature Files By Capability or Epic
Using Tags to organise your scenarios
Using Tags to integrate with JIRA
Using Tags To Run Subsets Of Scenarios
Ensuring your Feature Files Are Correct With The Check-Gherkin Plugin
Introducing Cucumber Hooks
Before and After Hooks
Using Tags Control When To Run Hooks
BeforeAll and AfterAll Hooks
Designing For Testability
Simple Web Testing With Cucumber And WebDriver
Web Testing With Cucumber and Serenity BDD - Part 1 - Action Classes
Web Testing With Cucumber and Serenity BDD - Part 2 - Querying The UI
Web Testing With Cucumber And Serenity BDD - Part 3 - Reporting and Living Documentation
API Testing With BDD
First Steps With Cucumber And Rest Assured
Using Domain Objects With Rest Assured
Documenting API Tests With Serenity BDD
Introduction to the Screenplay Pattern
Screenplay Actors
Using Screenplay Casts and Stages
Interaction with the application: Screenplay Actions
Querying the application: Screenplay Questions


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    Well Done

    Very well explained using good examples.