Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction To Git

    • Introduction

  • 2

    Installing and Configuring Git

    • Installing Git

    • Configuring Git

    • Creating a Git Repository

  • 3

    Everyday Git Commands

    • Adding a file to Git

    • Modifying a file

    • Checking the status of your files

    • Using Git Diff

    • Viewing Git History

    • Changing Files

    • Fixing Mistakes

    • Ignoring Files

  • 4

    Git Branches, Merges, Forks, Pull Requests and Cloning

    • Git Branches, Merges, Forks, Pull Requests and Cloning Part 1

    • Git Branches, Merges, Forks, Pull Requests and Cloning Part 2

    • Git Branches, Merges, Forks, Pull Requests and Cloning Part 3