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Introduction - WATCH THIS FIRST
Setting up your environment
Your first Java class
Working with Whole Numbers
Working with Floating Point Decimals
Working with Strings
Exercise: Java Data Types
Classes and fields
Private fields
Exercise - write your first Java class
Defining methods
Static fields
Static methods
Exercise: Fields and methods
Java Language Conventions
Basic Inheritance
Live Coding Demo: creating a Hamster class
Abstract methods, classes and polymorphism
Exercise - Create an inherited class
Simple Conditional Logic
Nested Conditionals
Exercises: Conditional logic
Lists and Sets
Live Coding: Advanced Lists
Basic Maps
Creating Maps more concisely with Map.of()
Reading and writing Map entries
Iterating over maps
Basic assertions
Assertions about Strings
Assertions about collections
Using Interfaces to model domain behaviour
Introduction to Java Exceptions
Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
Catching Exceptions
Custom Exceptions
Introduction To Java 8 Lambda Expressions
Java 8 Lambda Expressions - Deep Dive
Java 8 Streams
Using The Java 8 Date API
Challenge 1: The Java Fruit Shop
Challenge 2: The String Calculator
Challenge 3: The Speaking Clock
Creating your first project
Writing your first test
Writing a negative scenario
Making maintenance easier by reducing duplication
Organising fields into page components
Organising test classes into packages
Advanced Java: Var and Records
Advanced Java: Going Further With Enums
Advanced Java: Working With Excel Spreadsheets
3 Features of Modern Java that help with better test automation
The Roadmap To Becoming A Test Automation Engineer
The Modern Agile Test Automation Playbook


4.7 /5

  • Avatar
    Getting started with Testing in Java

    So far the setup and understanding is one of the best I have seen.

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    Introductions and Setup

    This is a fair introduction except settings variable JAVA_HOME for JDK and Maven. Would have been useful some tutorials in the sense mentioned above. Thank you John!

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    Excellent course for testers that want to learn Java

    This is such a well structured course that takes a beginner through major Java features, coding principles and most importantly all of it is directed at testing. Easy to follow with great examples. I could never get myself to complete any Java course, but this one was a pleasure.

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    Jump Into Automation Testing

    This Java Test Automation for Beginners course is an excellent resource for those who are new to automation testing. John provides a clear and thorough explanation of each topic, walking you through various scenarios and helping you understand the concepts. The course offers plenty of examples and exercises. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to get started with automation testing.

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    Great course driven by TDD

    This is a great introduction to Java as it starts with TDD from the beginning in a very practical way. Instead of starting to implement classes etc., the modules always start with writing the test first, explaining what can be tested and then the related classes are implemented. I also like the usage of GitHub Classroms as you immediately have a code basis to work on and you get direct feedback of the tool to see, if your solution works.

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    Short and Precise

    The course is quite short but at the same time, it covers all needed topics to jump into Java at least if you have already been familiar with some programming concepts.