REST API Testing
Introduction to testing REST APIs
Setting up
The application domain
Writing your first REST API test
Refactoring and simplifying Rest API tests
Exercise: set up the sample project
Using Path Parameters
Using Query Parameters
Exercises: Retrieving Data
Using simple JSONPath to get data from the response
Advanced JSONPath expressions
Practice your JSON Path! (JSONPath exercises - part 1)
Practice your JSON Path! (JSONPath exercises - part 2)
Posting JSON data to a REST end-point
Serialising and deserialising Java objects
Deleting resources with DELETE requests
Updating resources with PUT requests
Getting headers and cookies from the response
Reporting on the results with Serenity BDD
Refactoring the tests for better reporting
Exercise: Implementing a scenario using POST and GET queries with Serenity BDD
Writing BDD scenarios for REST APIs
Cucumber and Rest Assured (Part 1)
Cucumber and Rest Assured (part 2)
