Introduction To The Three Amigos
Before we begin...
What Problem Are We Solving?
A More Collaborative Approach To Development
From User Story To Working Feature - The BDD Workflow
What If I'm Not Doing BDD?
Who Are The Three Amigos?
What Are The Goals Of A Three Amigos Workshop?
How Do You Run A Great Three Amigos Workshop?
Preparing The Workshop
Step 1) Pick A Facilitator
Step 2) Presenting The User Story
Step 3) Agree On A Format
Steps 4 and 5) Facilitating The Example Mapping Session
Step 6) Agreeing On A Testing Strategy
Introduction To Feature Mapping
Facilitating A Feature Mapping Session
Next Steps
AI For High Level Requirements Discovery
Defining High Level Features With AI
Defining High Level Acceptance Criteria And User Stories With AI
Now Let’s Make The Three Amigos Work For Your Teams
I Want To Help My Team Work Better With BDD
I Want To Boost My Own Skills In BDD And Test Automation
